
BCasts is a plugin that was made for having extra-customisable broadcast commands. (similar in syntax to /say)

To use: download it and put it in your Bukkit server's "plugins" folder, then run your server. A config.yml should have been automatically added under "(serverLocation)>plugins>BCasts>config.yml.
You can then edit the config file with a text editor (notepad is highly unreccomended) and customise it.

By changing the config file, you can decide how the plugin displays your message, what colors are used where, and best of all: (and what I worked hardest on to figure out how to do)
you can change what command you can type to use the function. (to whatever you like; it's not choosing between a bunch of aliases.) (the pictures above are only the defaults)

Permission nodes:


Plugin development: Anthony Faubert
Website development: Anthony Faubert
Logo design: Anthony Faubert
Website hosting: NearlyFreeSpeach
Downloads hosting: DropBox